Size | 43×33 cm |
Material | Moulin du Gué |
Technique | Original engraving |
Signature | yes, in pencil |
fraiming | unframed artwork |
Original etching SALOMÉ
Nissan ENGEL
Original etching by Nissan ENGEL, from the series “Album Opéra”
signed and numbered in pencil by the artist
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Nissan Engel est né en 1931 à Haîfa, Israêl. Son Style à la fois lyrique et mystique est l’expression d’un sens extraordinaire des couleurs et d’une parfaite maitrise technique. L’espace pictural est ici le lieu de l’action, du dialogue, des contradictions et correspondances internes des objets. L’Estampe organise en permanence des expositions hors les murs avec Nissan Engel dont elle est l’éditeur . L’artiste est sans doute plus reconnu dans ces œuvres obtenues par l’emploi de techniques mixtes. Peintre, dessinateur, graveur, il produira également de nombreux collages.
His style, both lyrical and mystical, is the expression of an extraordinary sense of colour and perfect technical mastery. The pictorial space here is the place of action, dialogue, contradictions and internal correspondences between objects. L’Estampe regularly organises off-site exhibitions with Nissan Engel, for whom it is the publisher. The artist is perhaps best known for his mixed media works. A painter, draughtsman and engraver, he also produces numerous collages.
Sein lyrischer und mystischer Stil ist Ausdruck eines außergewöhnlichen Sinns für Farben und einer perfekten technischen Beherrschung. Der Bildraum ist hier der Ort der Handlung, des Dialogs, der inneren Widersprüche und Entsprechungen der Objekte. L’Estampe organisiert ständig außer Haus Ausstellungen mit Nissan Engel, dessen Verleger sie ist . Der Künstler ist in diesen Werken, die durch den Einsatz von Mischtechniken entstanden sind, zweifellos am bekanntesten. Er ist Maler, Zeichner und Graveur und stellt auch zahlreiche Collagen her.
Artworks by the same artist

Nissan ENGEL
Nissan Engel
Artist, innovator, poet and musician, Nissan Engel was born in Israel, in Haifa, in 1931. Engel studied at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem. After having lived for several years in New York, he moved to Paris, France in the mid 1950s. There he painted while attending several academies which allowed his art to assert itself (drawing and designing costumes for the theatre). Later he was awarded a certificate in theatre design from the Centre Dramatique de l’Est in Strasbourg, and began exhibiting his work. His first real success was an exhibition at the Galerie Weil, in 1960. Five years later, he decided to move to the United States, and in particular New
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