Self-taught multi-disciplinary artist, fine art printer, graphic artist and painter, was born in Vendée (western France) in 1950.
1968 He comes to Paris to apply for a civil servant position, but the visual arts galaxy soon attracts him. He therefore takes evening classes at l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts Appliqués Duperré (DuperréGraduate School of Applied Arts) in Paris. In the entourage of thedesigner Agnès b, he interacts with the world of fashion. He rubs shoulders with Pierre Commoy (better known nowadays as “Pierre etGilles” since he met the latter) and discovers an original aspect of photography.
1976 The Dufayel Studio, responsible for the graphic design and advertising of the “Galeries Lafayette de Paris”, hires him as a graphic designer, under the artistic direction of Friedmann Haus and later Jacques Lavaux. He works along photographers Oliviero Toscani and Paolo Roversi.
1985 Joel Chasseriau creates Calligram, his own consulting company on graphic communication. Among hisclients are the publishing houses Hachette, Marabout, Jean – Claude Lattès, Gault Millaut and Nathan Image, la Bibliothèque Nationale (the French National Library), the insurance company GMF, as well as Kenzo, Rodier, Votre Beauté magasine, Thalassa etc…
1999 He meets the artist Bernard Pras, which marks a radical change in his artistic life: Joel Chasseriau is introduced to the aquastamping technique. He switches from applied arts to contemporary art.
2001 First aquastamping exhibition at the G.M.Arts gallery, Paris.
2006 thierry Lacan creates Aquastamp Paris, an aquastamp printing workshop
2012 He exhibits his paintings for the first time during the show “Réalités Nouvelles” in Paris.